In the process of house hunting; not sure what type of camo I should wear to sneak up on them…
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I swear I stopped believing for like, 1 second, but that was enough for Steve Perry to show up and punch me in the face…
I was looking for something cool and vintage to hang from my rearview mirror, but no dice.
Today I received a lot of compliments about my shoes and pants. Unfortunately they were all below the belt.
I had to get a gift wrapped, and it only cost me 2 quarters! 2 quarters makes 50 cent, and 50 cent is a professional wrapper!
A little red bird flies into a confessional. “Forgive me Father, for I have sinned”, he said. “And what is this cardinal sin, my child?”
Unfortunately for him, the vampire didn’t realize what was at stake…
I thought a “man”icure was the manliest spa treatment I could get. Oops.
I saw a plane banking shortly after takeoff. It uses Chase Bank like me!
When asked if one should use an 8′ ladder & stand on top, or a 12′ ladder and stand on the 8th rung, I would suggest to use the latter.
In starting my new website, I’ve discovered the best way to raise interest on a blog is to put it in the bank and collect the 3% rate.
Give a man a fish, and he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he’ll die of mercury poisoning.
I woke up this morning and realized I was so tired last night I forgot to fall asleep.
Who has two thumbs and can make a thumbs up with both of them?! *THIS GUY!*
What’s the point of cow tipping? I tipped a few cows last night, but realized I didn’t have any change left for my waitress today…
Remember the good ‘ol days? World War II, The Great Depression…wait, no, that must be what people mean when they say “in the mean time”!
As I was eating dinner tonight, I was reminded of what my grandma used to say – “Finish your dinner dear! Or I’ll kill you.”